Furnaces, AC’s & Fireplaces

Exploring the Advantages of Geothermal Heat Pumps: Efficiency, Costs, and Long-Term Benefits Exploring the Advantages of Geothermal Heat Pumps: Efficiency, Costs, and Long-Term Benefits Innovative Oil Lamp Convection Heater: A Sustainable, Low-Cost Heating Solution for Small Spaces Innovative Oil Lamp Convection Heater: A Sustainable, Low-Cost Heating Solution for Small Spaces Leaning Fireplace Chimney: Causes and Concerns Leaning Fireplace Chimney: Causes and Concerns Chimneys that lean or that pull away from a homes wall are usually a result of the concrete footing, pad or soil that the chimney sits on. Safety Requirement for Glass Front Fireplace | Check Yours Safety Requirement for Glass Front Fireplace | Check Yours Fireplaces have a new safety requirement after Jan. 1, 2015. It applies to gas fireplaces that have glass... Fireplace Glass Doors Or Panels Stained Or Discolored Fireplace Glass Doors Or Panels Stained Or Discolored Crisp, clear glass doors on a fireplace adds to the warmth and charm of a burning fire. If your glass doors aren't crystal clear... Soot and Creosote build-up in fireplace Soot and Creosote build-up in fireplace When burning wood in a fireplace, there is usually some soot or creosote that builds up over time. If too much builds up, there is a safety concern. Cracked or Damaged Fireplace Panels Cracked or Damaged Fireplace Panels Many fireplaces have a cracked panel but some can be a fire hazard. Have you checked yours lately? Fireplace Panel Out of Place: Space or Gap At Corner Can Be a Fire Safety Concern Fireplace Panel Out of Place: Space or Gap At Corner Can Be a Fire Safety Concern Panels in manufactured fireplace occasionally shift a little out of position: if too much then it's a fire safety hazard. . When this happens, check... Manufactured Fireplaces Concrete Panels: Repair and Replacement Manufactured Fireplaces Concrete Panels: Repair and Replacement Many fireplaces have thermal concrete panels that are manufactured at a plant and installed in the fire box of the fireplace. When one cracks... Fireplaces Fireplaces 46% of homes have fireplaces, but the type is changing, the codes are changing and the energy requirements are changing. Fiberglass insulation exposed in plenum area Fiberglass insulation exposed in plenum area Exposed firbergalass insulation should be covered properly to preserve good air quality. Furnace Vent Clearance to Wood or Combustible Materials Can Be A Fire Safety Concern if Too Close Furnace Vent Clearance to Wood or Combustible Materials Can Be A Fire Safety Concern if Too Close Furnace metal vents should not be against wood or even too close for fire safety reasons. Clearance requirements are... Fireplace & Chimney Inspections: 3 Levels of Inspections Fireplace & Chimney Inspections: 3 Levels of Inspections Buyers and owners may decide to have their fireplace and chimney inspected when there is damage, cracking or the chimney has pulled away from the home. How To Tell If Asbestos Ducting Is Safe Or Needs To Be Replaced How To Tell If Asbestos Ducting Is Safe Or Needs To Be Replaced There are various types of ducting that may contain asbestos materials. Under some conditions this may be a health issue, other times it is not. Learn more about this. Insulation missing or damaged on refrigerant line Insulation missing or damaged on refrigerant line Energy efficiency is a "Buzz" word now days. One easy way of maintaning yours, is to keep your refrigerant line... A/C Fins Bent or Damaged on Air Conditioner Condenser A/C Fins Bent or Damaged on Air Conditioner Condenser Many A/C units have fins that are bent or damaged. One culprit is often pets, believe it or not, however, there are other causes. As an owner... Condensate Dripping Next To The Homes Foundation From The A/C Is A Problem Condensate Dripping Next To The Homes Foundation From The A/C Is A Problem Dripping condensate water next to a homes foundation may or may not be OK. A/C Condensate lines – primary & secondary A/C Condensate lines – primary & secondary Where do these lines go and why? What does water dripping from the secondary condensate line mean? A/C on exterior pad – not level A/C on exterior pad – not level When the A/C is not on a level pad, then several problems may develop, but in reality they don't occur as much as one might think. Smoke Stains On the Face Or Front Of Fireplace Smoke Stains On the Face Or Front Of Fireplace The most common cause of smoke on the face of a fireplace is... Fireplace Gas Line Not Caulked Or Sealed Around Gas Pipe Fireplace Gas Line Not Caulked Or Sealed Around Gas Pipe Caulking around the gas pipe in the fire box may prevent a fire when burning logs. Fireplace Damper Clamps Fireplace Damper Clamps A $5 damper clamp can save a life or a possible explosion in a home Fireplace Rain Caps & Spark Arrestors – Risk If None Fireplace Rain Caps & Spark Arrestors – Risk If None Hot embers from wood burning fire places may drift over onto a neighbors roof and occasionally start a fire if no spark arreastor. Do gas fireplaces need one? Concrete Chimney Cap – Cracked or Damaged Concrete Chimney Cap – Cracked or Damaged On a brick fireplace there is often a concrete cap on the top. Should there be a crack in this cap, then... Chimney Cracks – Serious or Not Chimney Cracks – Serious or Not Cracks in the chimney may occur. When water gets into them and freezes, then... Fireplace: Chimney Brick Deteriorated, Damaged or Spalling Fireplace: Chimney Brick Deteriorated, Damaged or Spalling Time, moisture and a few other things may cause the chimney brick to spall.