Pools and Spas
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6 Most Common Swimming Pool Issues
Swimming pool issues can become expensive quickly if maintenance is neglected
How To Tell If A Swimming Pool Is Level
Pools that are not level may be a warning sign of problems: do this easy check yourself for levelness.
How To Check For Pool and Spa Leaks Yourself
It's estimated that 1 in 20 pools or spas leak. Check your's with a quick DIY leak and dye test.
Why Concrete Pools Pop Up Out Of The Ground: Reasons, Problems & When To Worry
Pool & Spa pop ups are costly but can be prevented.
Pool & Spa Inspection Checklist
What will a pool and spa inspectors checklist include? Pool body, deck, equipment, drains, skimmers, etc.
How To Tell If Your Pool Is Leaking: Do A Bucket Leak Test Yourself
High water bills, soggy yard, cracked concrete pool deck or having to always add water to your pool are warning signs of a leak.
Why Blonde’s Hair Turns Green After Swimming
Is it chlorine, iron in the water, insufficient oxygen, the pool chemicals?
Pool Pressure Gauges – Fogged or Damaged
New pressure gauges start at about $5+ and take 10 minutes to install. Replacing them is just part of pool maintenance.
Cracked or Missing Tiles in Pools and Spas: When Serious
Small hairline cracks may be sealed or left as they are; larger ones may need to be grouted or the tile replaced. Tile replaced by your pool guy...
Plaster Flaking Or Cracked On Swimming Pools and Spas
Age and chemical imbalances may cause plaster to flake. Checking the chemical balance of the pool or spa water and maintenance...
Concrete Pool Deck Cracks: Causes And How To Repair
Cracks in concrete pool decks are common, however they may be a warning sign of deck problems or leaks.
Cracks In A Swimming Pool: Identifying If Structural Or Surface Cracks
Most pool cracks are in the pool plaster, however, when through the entire body leaks may occur.
Cracked or Shifted Pool Coping: Causes and What To Do
The edge of a pool or spa will often have coping. This coping, if not maintained properly can cause damage.
Pool Water Clarity: Equipment, Chemical or Health Concern
Greenish water, dirty water and chemically imbalanced water should be cleaned-up so the pools looks sharp and are healthy to be in. If you can not see clearly through the water for ten feet, then maintenance is needed.