Why is the panel upside down and what’s going on with the schedule?

Asked by Lucas Chan
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 31, 2024

I don’t understand why the panel is upside-down, but the schedule too? Seriously, why is that? What in the world is going on here?

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Philippe Ambrose

Because they accidentally put the cover on the wrong way!!! It’s so obvious.

Wendolin de la Fuente

They originally put the label on with the cover off, and then were too lazy to fix it.

Vincent Li

Must have forgotten that it was upside down when they wrote it.

Inés Gamboa

I’m sorry for saying this, but if I don’t mention the credibility of the company, I’d be ungrateful. I was so excited that I felt like jumping for joy. It’s been a while since I’ve seen people dealing with an honest manager like . I will always speak highly of your excellent work. od bless you –

Aaron Hamilton

Go get lost on your own page.

Abigail Wallace

In Canada, they install panels sideways.

Aaron Hamilton

Sometimes, .

Elijah Dean

There is no upside down, .

Heidi Bowman

I was struggling financially and owed money to my landlord, but things turned around when I met Mrs. Laura Andreas. I started with a small amount and my life improved. I highly recommend her.

Emma Claire

Your mom doesn’t call you sunny because you’re a bright spark.

Gregory Ramirez

Have you ever seen an Australian panel before?

Logan Weaver

Hey, sorry if you’ve already read this and haven’t taken any action yet. The more you claim it’s fake, the more others are investing and earning. ‘t let others’ opinions hold you back – take a chance. It could be your time for a change. Time waits for no one. And a big thank you to Stewart for making me smile.

Ricky Jacobs

Where does it mention that it will be different?

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