Why is the low voltage coming on but the relay isn’t activating the oven in this 220 sauna controller setup with 220 coming from panel 3 pair 8?

Asked by Ömer Zeller
6 months ago
Last Updated: June 25, 2024

So, the issue is that the low voltage is showing up, but for some reason the relay isn’t kicking in to turn on the oven. This sauna controller runs on 220 volts. I’ve got 220 volts coming from panel 3, on pair #8, along with a smaller ground wire. The romex is set up for a 120 volt light, while the red and black wires are meant for the sauna oven.

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Atharv Anchan

Please check either the fuse or the contactor

Atharv Anchan

I hope I never have to experience that again

Virgil Foster

Inspect the inline thermal fuses – they are round and about the size of a dime with 2 pins at the back or side. They have an upper limit and a temperature gauge. When they get too hot, the little caps blow out and stay open sometimes

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