Why is dirt pouring out of only one hole in my retaining wall overnight, and what steps can my husband and I take to address it after 10 years in our house?
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 22, 2024
Hey, don’t be too hard on me, but I’ve got a bit of a strange situation with my retaining wall. Out of nowhere, one of the holes started spewing out dirt overnight. It’s never happened in the 10 years we’ve been here. Any thoughts on what could be causing this and what my husband and I should do about it? Appreciate any help you can offer!
Is there something burrowing?
Possibly a small animal
I was totally thinking the same thing! There must be something inside! Haha
Likely some kind of critter. Level out the dirt a bit and look for tracks to figure it out, to see if it’s a recurring issue or just curiosity.
I think I’ll stick with chipmunks. They always wreak havoc on my yard and around my retaining walls this time of year.
There is interest in moving in!
We need to get some critter … steel wool or metal mesh grate right now.
Termites are a big problem!
You could use an inspection camera to peek inside.
Keep an eye on it during the next rainfall, perhaps water is infiltrating from another part of the house. Address that first before dealing with the ceiling, which could be a potential entry point for water or even a critter preparing for winter. 😁
Wow, that definitely resembles a groundhog!
A new arrival has settled in and started digging
Was like, ‘I need to clean this house out’ 😂
I actually have some real areas that needed digging… lol! But this isn’t one of them! 😂🤣
It would be nice if we could train them, right? Lol.
Do they have the same height and distance? They appear quite calculated in the photo.
Look at this little critter!
There’s a ton of rain or water coming down.
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It’s a creature that digs underground.
A typical rat. They really enjoy hanging out in drainage beds beneath concrete slabs.
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Try sprinkling some all purpose flour around the area and check back by midnight. ✔️
For sure a critter you don’t want around
It sounds like an animal, so you’ll want to ensure it’s out before sealing up the holes.
If you spot one rat, there’s likely more hiding, so it’s best to set up some traps.
– Sure thing. Let’s start trapping those pests before they completely take over
Those holes are for drainage behind the wall. Often, there are drain pipes back there and those holes serve as outlets. However, in the past, they would just use rocks and let the water flow through. If there are no pipes at the other holes, there’s a chance a critter has made its way in. Over time, if it keeps digging, you might notice the ground settling behind the wall. You could try running a hose down there to check if water drains out of those holes.
Put steel wool inside. It can help by cutting their gums and preventing them from entering.
Looks like someone stumbled upon a new residence haha
Quite the troublemaker! 😝 Set up a trail camera pointed in that direction to catch the culprit sneaking around at night. My guess is it’s a rat. I have chipmunks too – they can be a real pain, but they don’t make messes like that.
Definitely a chipmunk! Just be patient and you’ll catch him in the act. Once he’s out, seal the hole or he’ll be back. Or maybe his relatives will.
If water had flowed, it could have created a path leading away from the house.
This creature is digging underground.
I think it might be Cipmink
Oh, those holes are for draining water from the wall. The soil is falling from the back of the wall. Maybe due to rain or a gopher. My wall is 42 feet long and 4 feet high, and this happens sometimes.
Damaged pipe for french drain
Little creature
These little guys also burrow in your lawns; that’s where they make their homes.
Animal for sure!
Wow, it really put in the effort to remodel the house
Small mammals
Tiny forest animals 😃
Be careful not to trap them inside to suffer a slow, painful death from starvation. Release them all first. Maybe there’s a one-way device that could be used.
I’m here to see what happens. 😂
Oh, that’s chilling! I wonder what kind of critter 😂
Those weep holes nowadays typically have wire mesh covering them. It allows water to drain while preventing large critters from entering. That’s one of the main reasons for it.
I’m a geological engineer and I can confidently say that rock wasn’t formed by water.
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