Why does this outlet advise against shutting off the main electricity before replacing it in the crawl space?

Asked by Rakshitha Nair
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 27, 2024

I’m about to swap out an outlet in the crawl space, but I’m not sure which circuit it’s on. I think I’ll just shut off the main power to be safe, but I’m curious why this particular outlet advises against ever shutting it off. Any thoughts?

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Askold Sobchuk

Possibly the sump pump? Or maybe the dehumidifier?

Anna Sørensen

Is Rob the medical fridge?

William Kolltveit

You’re cutting off power to the panel in order to change a receptacle 😂

Camille Wilson

If you need to, then absolutely. Making sure everyone gets home safely is the top priority. I’m not a fan of working in hot conditions while lying in wet dirt either.

Elizabeth Lübben

A homeowner, is unsure which breaker the circuit is on, so turning off the main breaker is the safest option. Would you recommend that someone with no experience attempt this?

Marie Harvey

Patrick, you should really call an electrician. It’s worth investing in the necessary repairs to avoid a disaster when it comes time to sell your house.

James Chavez

In this economy, you have to be mindful of your spending. It’s important to save as much money as you can until you can seek advice from someone who knows what they’re doing. Just make sure they do their work safely and don’t hesitate to ask questions if needed.

Stella Clarke

You’re the master of power! Switch things on/off whenever you want.

Eli Wright

That’s the recharge station for, you know, personal items in the bathroom.

Francisca Bravo

If you’re unsure about what it is, it’s probably not that important. Just turn it off.

Beatrice Kersting

In a household, there are some devices that should never be turned off for medical reasons. For example, an oxygen pump or a ventilator. There are special devices available that prevent the breaker from being switched off, and they should be used in such cases.

Milla Lampinen

Hey John! Could you share a link for the device that prevents a breaker from being turned off?

Beatrice Kersting

They are often used for exit signs in commercial settings.

Fire alarms and similar devices.

Milla Lampinen

These are put in place to make sure a breaker doesn’t accidentally get switched on while the electrician is working on the circuit.

Beatrice Kersting

Look at the image on the right. It displays it being used. The breaker is in the on position. It is locked in place and cannot be switched off.

Tino Springer

They have dual functionality.

Rosa da Conceição

Make sure to do it safely by turning off the power. When you turn it back on, begin with the breaker labeled as never being shut off and observe what comes back on first. After that, you can relabel that breaker or circuit.

Mirko Radivojević

Is a smart one! Looks like that tripped breaker was the culprit behind the old man’s oxygen machine malfunctioning. 😂 Can’t believe it!

Norisete Silveira

Attach a tracer to the equipment you’re working on and don’t stress about it

Reinhild Kunkel

It’s probably someone’s oxygen concentrator

Rémi Mercier

Do we have a sump pump in the crawl space?

Esma Aybar

Nicholas reggerson always avoided installing a sump pump on a FCI.

Felicia Robinson

The 2020 code by now mandates FCI protection for sump pumps.

Juan Denk

I would guess it’s something medical, like an oxygen pump or a Dialysis machine

Astrid Sørensen

Looks like it’s your neighbor’s power. Hehe

Sebastian Nielsen

There’s a body stored in deep freeze in the basement.

Siiri Peltola

Rab a small lamp and plug it into the outlet you want to change. Have your significant other, kid, or friend watch the light. Turn off one breaker at a time, saving the one labeled ‘Do not turn off’ for last. When the light goes off and your watcher yells, label it on the panel. Thumbs up!

Esteban Campos

If you’re alone, have a radio on and keep an ear out for it to trip!

Virginiya Yizhak

I use my shop vac and an extension cord to relocate it to a spot where I can hear when flipping the breaker

Arlo Moore

It’s probably the sump pump, but it’s safe to turn it off while you work. Just imagine it’s a power outage from a storm… it goes out and there are no issues, right?

So just shut down the main if you’re not sure which one it is. Or even better, find out which one it is by turning off one at a time

Ella Chan

An electrician would use a tic tracer to trace back to the panel and identify the breaker.

Mirko Radivojević

A homeowner who watches too many TikToks

Ella Chan

Have you ever tried using one? I’ve been working as an electrician for 45 years.

Mirko Radivojević

I’ve had experience with them before. They rarely seem to work. Just changing a receptacle, not sure why you would need to shut down the main.

Yasin Gjerdrum

Klein’s plug in circuit tracers are usually accurate around 95 percent of the time, as long as you know how to operate them.

Yasin Gjerdrum

If you had an ideal in mind, it might be best to discard it now, .

Frouke Verbiest

Let’s steer clear of feces in this conversation, .

Vidyalaxmi Saha

Is it the charger for your wife’s dildo?

Guillermo Molina

The first step before messing with the breaker is to hire a professional electrician.

Nilton Ribeiro

I’m pretty certain it powers the flux capacitor charger.

الینا کریمی

I heard he’s cultivating weed on that breaker.

Freddy Blume

Is it for your grandma’s oxygen machine?

Marit Blauw

The sump pump is likely located in the bathroom

Nelson Martinez

The bathroom exhaust fan might be especially useful for people who eat beans for breakfast.

Marluce Nunes

The circuit of the Taco Bell bathroom

Darsh Prajapati

They simply prefer to keep it on.

Chahid Van Loenhout

Turn off all the switches except for the main one. That should fix the problem.

Niilo Ketola

Instead of turning off the breaker, consider tripping it from the specific outlet in question. It’s the most accurate way to identify the circuit.

Corentin Lambert

Turn it off to investigate the cause. Keep us updated

Sofia Hughes

It’s probably best to call a professional

Owen Curtis

Check the WiFi connection

Juan Fowler

Hey, consider buying a tester. Actually, get a couple.

Virgil Foster

Some items may lose their programming or just be a pain to get working properly. Make sure to save data to avoid losing it. Then, start with anything labeled ‘attic’ including heater, lights, or outdoor plugs. Sometimes, having two people can make this task easier. Alternatively, plug in an extension cord with a light visible from the panel. Locate it and label it

Billy Rose

That one might be where a kid has his gaming system or computer plugged in! Be careful!

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