Why do the seals on my windows keep falling away, causing them to crack and creating a problem with steam and humidity in my bathroom and other rooms?

Asked by Sonia Gray
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 9, 2024

Hey, does anyone know why the seals on the new windows keep disappearing? I think they might be slipping into the crack. It’s weird and confusing. It’s the bathroom window, and I usually leave it cracked after showering since there’s no exhaust. I also run a dehumidifier constantly. The windows in other rooms are having the same issue. Have you experienced anything similar?

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Liana da Paz

Could it be related to thermal expansion/contraction? Has this been happening for over a year? Are the affected areas exposed to direct sunlight? Just some thoughts to consider.

Mestan Günday

If the surface is still wet when you’re putting on the sealant, try using a hairdryer to warm it up and dry it before sealing

Mestan Günday

Try using a flexible silicone type of tiles and bathroom silicone

Naksh Dalvi

Facing expansion/contraction issues? Opt for a flexible caulk like Lexel or big stretch instead of latex caulk to prevent cracking. ‘t delay recaulking, especially in the shower. Think about installing a bathroom exhaust fan that vents outside for better moisture control. While having a window in the bathroom is code-compliant, it may not be very effective in managing moisture.

Naksh Dalvi

Yes, an anonymous participant.

Slobodan Erceg

Try removing the cheap caulk that is shrinking and pulling apart due to the material moving. Get rid of as much as you can and reapply with a better quality flexible caulk

Eren Günday

If it was installed incorrectly, it shouldn’t be damaged.

بردیا كامياران

Avoid using latex and opt for silicone caulk specifically designed for doors and windows. You’ll see much improved outcomes.

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