Why are you feeling resentful because you didn’t come up with the idea first?

Asked by Sophie Oliver
3 months ago
Last Updated: September 22, 2024

Hey, no need to hate just because you didn’t come up with the idea first!

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Jeffery Myers

Wow, can you believe those guys have been at it for over 40 years? Just gotta let them know to work smart, not dumb.

José Carlos Camarillo

I actually saw this the other day lol

Jeffery Myers

Oh yeah.. and I’ll have it set up like a rough service truck.. lol

Benjamin Abraham

‘t boast about pulling lighting circuits with a stolen shopping cart, it’s not cool.

Lea Ouellet

Don’t boast about it, you might end up paying for a shopping cart.

Sophie Walker

Is this how you prefer to roll your toilet paper as well?

Lea Ouellet

I’ve been rocking shopping carts since the 90s.

Emilie Knight

I feel the same way when I’m in retail stores.

Gonzalo Burgos

Does it every single night haha.

Renee Nguyen

I’m with you, , even back in the 60s, but not for that reason. LOL.

Antonio Sims

Feels the same way about those young ones.

Laura Haro

Ancient as the hills

Lauren Mitchell


Adam Anderson

I think it’s because I’m not employed by Hobo Electric. I’ll stick with Rack-A-Tiers, thanks.

Guy Grant

Overheard that those guys enjoy some fantastic perks. Complimentary dumpster lunches, free room and board in a tent, dental benefits for dentures, and a competitive cable scraps bundle. Plus, once you become a foreman, you qualify for the meth pension plan.

Tristan Thompson

Spoiler: according to rumors, the accommodations are in that dumpster.

Jared Fletcher

Adapt and conquer. Work with what you’ve got

Diane Mckinney

Been at it for 40 years, Rookie

Nancy Manzanares

And I are old school.

Diane Mckinney
Nancy Manzanares

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ستایش رضاییان

This is nothing new, seriously….

Avery Clark

Was actually doing this 20 years ago when he was wiring a grocery store.

Perry Johnston
Sophia Ma

If it works, then it’s not stupid!

Abby Harris

I was all about that shopping cart life back in the ’80s too

Kathy Hernandez

Been at it for more than two decades

Wyatt Steward

So is that the technique tweakers use to steal wire? They put it back on the spool?

Concepción Lomeli

Try using them for other purposes, my friend

Sofia Wilson

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Emma Denys

That’s classic. You weren’t the originator.

Elizabeth White

You wouldn’t believe the tricks I have up my sleeve when it comes to handling a scissor lift haha

Bently Gagné

Apologies, but you’re not the original

Jo Ryan

The general contractor hired a homeless man to do labor, and he used a grocery cart to carry his tools. I thought that was really clever.

Valerie Walker
Lewis Gray

If it worked, and obviously it did!

June Terry

I’ve been there and done that. Using shopping carts, ladders, and sometimes even a piece of 1/2 inch on the floor. 🙊

Elvia de Jesús

I’d start by staggering them: first one off the bottom, second one off the top, third one off the bottom, and the fourth one off the top, to avoid pulling the cart forward

Alyssa Burton

So you’re working for a budget-conscious company that doesn’t have the proper tools, yet you’re still receiving a substantial paycheck and compensating employees down to the last nickel and dime for your efforts.

Diane Soto

Where’d you swipe the cart from, Bubbles?

Ray Walker

I’ve been at it since 1889, guys. You’re all just catching up now.

Isabelle Simpson

You’re not teaching me anything I didn’t already know, apprentice 🤣🤣

William Walker

Yep, we had a dozen set up in the basket area

Rodrigo Arevalo

If you didn’t purchase the cart, you’re basically stealing it.

Frederick Montgomery

Bought Shopping Carts back in 1988. Still have one. Might bring it out for nostalgia’s sake sometime.

Stephanie Freeman

Are you possibly the first homeless electrician?

Sandra George

I’ve been working in grocery chains since the 1980s, so this idea is definitely not original.

Benjamin Jones

What is Thhn?

Ángela Rojo

I accomplished that two decades back.

Louis Côté

Classic move. Electricians have been using shopping carts as wire carts forever.

Ralph Ford

Hey newbie, you’re definitely no Einstein.

Milton Rogers

In the upcoming episode of the homeless electrician, Albert swipes a brand new cart from Walmart…stay tuned! 😂😂

Owen Novak

I retired over 5 years after working for 30+ years. Surprisingly, it paid off.

Jenny West

I’ve been doing that forever

Dwight Boyd

Dude, you’re definitely not the first one to do that

Sarah Denys

Spreading the word about how Rockland electric gets things done

Dwight Boyd

We grab anything and everything within our reach, literally. It’s like a crazy circus 🤣🤣🤣

Freddie Flores

I actually use a Walmart shopping cart as my welding cart, the smaller ones with two levels. It’s honestly the best cart for a welder that I’ve ever owned

Wayne Schmidt

Spin the spools the other way

Shane Powell

I wonder if has a strong opinion on toilet paper placement too. 😄🚽

Juan Graves

About 30 years ago, we would use a Kmart shopping cart.

Charlie Chan

The best cart for this job, amazing!

Carter Macdonald

You didn’t come up with anything new BI.

Carter Macdonald

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Mitzy Ayala

Have you noticed how much work has been done for Meijer stores?

Jorge Domínguez

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Jorge Domínguez

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Jorge Domínguez

Abandoned file cabinets, super heavy but worked great. The swivel function was fantastic!

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