Why are posts and comments being reported without valid reasons, causing unnecessary work on my end with the recent influx of join requests and pending posts?

Asked by Kadir Akışık
5 months ago
Last Updated: November 9, 2024

Can we please cut down on the unnecessary reporting of posts and comments? It’s really taking up a lot of my time, especially with the sudden increase in join requests and pending posts. I had almost 4000 new join requests and about 200 posts waiting for approval in just one day!

It’s frustrating to see comments and posts being reported for things like violence when they’re not actually problematic. Please consider the reason before reporting to make sure it’s a valid concern. Thanks for understanding!

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Stephanie Doyle

There’s a more polite way to express your thoughts. It’s clear you’re upset, but the manner in which you convey your message comes off as brash and impolite.

آدرین كامياران

I’m thinking you might be one of those individuals she’s talking about haha

Felicitas Königs

I agree completely!

Stephanie Doyle


New text: Heading out

Harald Stange

Goodbye and good riddance.

Harald Stange

I went back and read your post to see if I could detect any snark, rudeness, or curtness, but I couldn’t find any. Honestly, your appeal was direct, polite, and assertive. What more could she ask for?!?

Theodor David

I am truly grateful for the person(s) behind the development and management of this group. The members offering expert advice with good intentions have been a real lifesaver for me and my family. Let’s make sure to follow the rules and guidelines, please.

Stanislava Vuksanović

Wow, there are so many new faces here. It’s my responsibility to verify each new member to ensure they are legitimate, which can be quite overwhelming. I take great care in order to safeguard the accounts of my group members. It’s really a challenging task.

Tammy Patterson

I really hope I don’t get kicked out, but seriously, only 3 mods/admins for 478k members? That ratio is just awful. Maybe they should consider adding more people to the team instead of telling others not to report.

Tammy Patterson

I have no knowledge of the reports, the individuals behind them, or the content they are addressing. If you believe it’s a waste of time, I respect that. However, with 478 thousand individuals involved, it’s impossible for me to know what might be deemed offensive by some and not by others.

Hugo Clarke

I don’t hesitate to call out the rude individuals, and if they persist, I simply block them. Keeping my happy circle even happier! 😊 If everyone just blocked the trolls, they wouldn’t have anyone to bother. And as for reporting, I only flag posts that are clearly scams. I once came across a timeshare page completely overrun by scammers, who even took control of the page admin.

Iida Arola

When a report is made, does it reveal the identity of the reporter or does it simply show up as a reported post/comment? I’m puzzled as to what people find offensive on a DIY page 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ they obviously have nothing better to do than to bother the admins.

Yasemin Sarıoğlu

Do you know who is responsible for reporting? Just recently, it was determined that a photo of the moon was considered violent.

Elsa Concepción

I’m completely new to the group, not sure if this is related but I attempted to make my first post with the secret phrase and everything, yet it keeps getting rejected.

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