What’s the best way to secure an automatic door closure that is pulling away from the door before it fully detaches?
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 3, 2024
Hey, so about a year ago I put in this automatic door closure for our patio doors that can also keep them open. But now I’m noticing it’s starting to pull away from the door. I used those hollow wall anchors to secure the screws when I first installed it. I’m worried it might come completely off the door soon. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks a bunch!
You may want to switch out all the screws with sex bolts (through bolts), just like the one in the picture.
I wonder how you could fit that through the door…unless you go in from both sides.
Lenny, if you figure out that magic trick, you’ll hit the jackpot!
Lenny, just a heads up, you’ll need to drill completely through the door.
Yes, Lenny, all the way through.
Through bolts, similar to the ones has shown.
You might need to tweak the closed tension on the closer a bit. It looks like there’s still a lot of tension after the door is closed. The closer should be nearly in its relaxed position after the door closes.
The level of effort depends on how high you want to go. For a low-effort option, simply bolt through the door. For a high-effort option, remove the door, replace the top solid part with a larger, sturdy board that allows access to the mounting screws
When drilling holes in the door, remember to add washers on the opposite side before securing with bolts
Using bolts that go all the way through
Either you can use bolts with washers for minimal effort, or opt for rivnuts in the metal door. Check out this link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rivnuts&hvadid=616863385092&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9052893&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5068263816701427588&hvtargid=kwd-898491484&hydadcr=26612_11715053&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_3hep7ovhy_e