What’s the best method to repair a crumbled plaster area caused by attempting to move large items up the stairs and failed attempts at patching it up with plaster of Paris?

Asked by Joshua Foster
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 13, 2024

I’m trying to figure out the best way to fix this spot. The plaster got messed up because people were trying to move things that were too big up the stairs. I tried filling the hole with plaster of Paris, but now it looks like a mess. Any ideas on how to make it look better?

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Janne Nygren

Are you a renter or a homeowner?

Kaya Evliyaoğlu

Smooth out the surface by scraping it gently and then apply durabond 20 easy sand

Lody Happel

Yeah, or you could cover the entire house with faux breadboard or faux barnboard. Can you imagine someone having to use a joint knife or trowel?

Iva Đokanović

You might need to do some sanding with drywall sanding screens. After that, prime and paint.

Eleonora Bezkorovayniy

Simply apply warm mud

Vibha Mugeraya

Hey there! If you want to make it smoother, try scraping or sanding it lightly. You can then use corner bead and joint compound, or opt for a tape with metal strips that can be bent at a right angle. Apply some joint compound, place the tape, and smooth out the mud. Let it dry, sand it, and repeat the process until it’s smooth. It may take about 3 days.

Edir Nogueira

For the flat surface, try adding bead board first and then border it with door casing to create a picture frame effect, along with some cove molding. I find it easier to use a saw and nail gun than a drywall knife

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