What type of paint is recommended for painting shower tile?

Asked by اميرمحمد یاسمی
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 21, 2024

Hey everyone! I’m thinking about painting my shower tile. Any recommendations for the best type of paint to use?

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Jack Pelletier

Avoid painting it yourself. It’s best to have a professional reglaze it. We had our tile and tub done, and it has remained in good condition for 15 years now.

Adrian Reid

Was on board. If it fits within the budget, rustileum offers a tub and tile kit.

Jack Pelletier

: Yup. DIY options can’t compare to the professional-grade spray-on epoxy material. It was a few years back, but we only paid about $120 for our tub and tile surround.

Adrian Reid

: That’s around the cost of the kit, so it would definitely be worth it if the pricing is similar. Although I doubt it would cost the same nowadays.

Jack Pelletier

Yes, , it is possible.

Ricardo Gómez

I wouldn’t recommend it

Blagoje Radivojević

People have had great success using Heirloom’s All in One Paint on tile. Make sure to check out the paint group for tips! 😊

Elya Barbier

I’d recommend reaching out to a professional company to handle the job. You’d be surprised at how potent that special paint for tile can be. Instead of spending hours on it, they can get it done in under an hour for around $600.

Frida Poulsen

We recently had some tile showers in an apartment reglazed. It looks a bit on the cheaper side, but it’s holding up well. The smell from the product they use is quite strong, haha. The neighbors were not too happy about it.

Aleksandr Weigand

Watercolors are so fun! 😁

Albert Larsen

Oh boy, that sounds like a disaster waiting to occur!

Julia Duran

3M produces an item

Lorenzo Nicolas


Kübra Köybaşı

I remember using Valspar glass and tile paint on my pool tiles at the water line about 4 years ago. Surprisingly, it’s still looking great! I don’t believe it can be tinted, though. The color is White.

Vukan Nemanjić


Clayton Duncan

Absolutely not!

Danica Raspopović

Doing it yourself might not be the best idea unless you’re going for that DIY look. It’s better to just leave it be. Having painted tile can decrease the value of your home.

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