What type of gutter is best to divert water away from the flower bed and towards the corner?
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024
What kind of gutter should I install here to make sure the water flows to the right corner instead of spilling into the flower bed below?
When it comes to gutters, a Yankee gutter is the only option that doesn’t require cutting off rafter ends or adding a fascia for installation. However, I’m not entirely convinced that a Yankee gutter is the best fit for a low-pitched roof.
I’ve always believed that moving water sideways on a roof is not a good idea. Maybe consider notching the rafter tails and installing something like this. It’s not my preferred type of gutter, and with a 4′ overhang, the downspouts are bound to look unsightly. Instead of approaching this as a roof/gutter issue, try looking at it as a drainage problem.
Due to the perlings sticking out, your best bet would be to go with a roof-mounted Yankee Gutter system or a rain guard. A rain guard is essentially a piece of flashing that is tucked under the shingles at an angle to redirect water away from a specific area towards another location. A downspout can then channel the water down to the ground.
Back in the day, I ran a gutter business in Florida. One time, a customer complained about water leaking from the roof and causing a big hole in her flower garden right below an inside corner. I initially thought it was a missing corner splash guard, but it turned out that a gopher tortoise had taken up residence there. Since they were an endangered species, my hands were tied. Moral of the story: always consider different perspectives when tackling a problem.
Install a downspout at the lowest point and run it underground through the garden bed to the opposite side.
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Trim the top chords, then install fascia board and attach the gutter there. You could also consider a yankee gutter, but it’s really the only other option. Yankee gutter gives a vintage house appearance, in my opinion.