What supplies do I need to install a dishwasher in a house without a hookup near the kitchen sink, specifically for connecting to the hot water line?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 5, 2024
Hey there! I’m getting ready to put in a dishwasher at a house where there’s no hookup by the kitchen sink. Can you let me know what I need to purchase to connect it to the water line (I’m assuming it’s the hot water line)? Thanks so much!
Consider replacing the old single 1/2″ compression valve with a new one that has two ports, serving the sink.
Sure, hot water is needed for washing dishes.
Include water supply, drainage connection, and power supply
If you’re not familiar with how it all functions, I’m not sure anyone here can provide a one-size-fits-all parts list. Maybe consulting a plumber is the way to go?
Typically, when connecting plumbing you’ll require a connector and some pipe
Depends on what pipes you have, but a T for the house pipe and matching pipe to the machine.
If you want to use another type of pipe(which everyone does), you have several options, old school is soft drawn copper. You need the tools to bend it. I’d use a SS flexible connection(like clothes washer lines). Rough the pipe behind the machine and install an adapter to the new SS line. Install the flexible line to the rough and push the machine in place. Make the connection.
As for the rough, measure the machine back. The bottom has space for it. Also, look at the directions. There are plans that show where to put it.
You MUST have a control valve! That will be dictated by your plumbing access. BEST would be at the T. Behind the machine is NG. You can’t get at it easily.
Why a dedicated valve? If the machine breaks, you’ll still have water to wash dishes or shower.
Do NOT use a saddle valve. They are unreliable and have no means to shut the water.