What should I do if a toy fell into the toilet and now it’s backed up?

Asked by Frieda Seitz
7 months ago
Last Updated: June 7, 2024

Hey, so a toy accidentally fell into the toilet and now it’s all clogged up. Do you think I need to replace the whole toilet, or is there a way to fix it?

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Svitovid Lisko

Give snaking a try or remove the toilet to retrieve the item

Margit Kjøsnes

Remove the toilet and place it in the bathtub

Janik Greijdanus

Vacuum it with a shop vac

Janik Greijdanus

Sounds good, let’s try

بنیامین صدر

Indeed, give it a go and reach up there, or attempt to remove it with an auger, just watch out you don’t push it deeper in. What kind of toy is it? Perhaps the vacuum will do the trick

Amy Allen

Since you have smaller hands as a female, try wearing long kitchen gloves and reaching into the toilet trap to see if it’s stuck there

Poppy Brown

I agree with this. When my (then) 3-year-old flushed a toy police baton, I had to insert my hand into the bowl to retrieve it, despite not being able to see it. I managed to retrieve the baton, along with 2 hot wheels and some loose change.

Amy Allen

If you’re unable to access it. Another option would be to check behind the toilet after removing it to see if it’s stuck before entering the pipe. If

Mathew Edwards

You know, Ask A Plumber can be really helpful too. They might have some clever tips to assist you. Wishing you good luck!

بنیامین صدر

If the Grinch is hiding in there, he might grab it

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