What should I do about the water leak I found in my attic during a heavy rainstorm?

Asked by Willie Simpson
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

I was up in my attic and spotted this during a really heavy downpour. Any suggestions on what I should do next?

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Emile Barnaby

Looks like your roof is leaking

Jill Gonzalez
Mathis Campbell

It looks like the area in your roof is showing signs of a failing roof. If it’s related to flashing or something similar, I recommend calling a professional. Repairing shingles is easy, but dealing with flashing and counter flashing is more complex

Christy Mason

It seems to be coming in from that exact spot because there are no signs of water above. If you live in a townhouse, it might be due to the step flashing or flashing on the parapet wall. If it’s not a townhouse, check for missing shingles or drip edge

Christy Mason

Might just be finding its way in through a low spot. It’s difficult to tell without actually seeing it myself. You should call Amos Exteriors to have them check it out

Christy Mason

Looks like the water is dripping down onto the board below as well. It could be a few things, but it’s definitely getting in

Cory Craig

If I were in your shoes, I’d inspect your roof for hail damage. This could result in getting a new roof covered by insurance. If not, it’s considered an act of god and you’ll have to pay for the shingles and plywood yourself. I had to deal with this last year with my own house

Felecia Lane

I once saw this happen in a new house and it was because the siding guys didn’t seal the holes left after removing the nails from their post jack support arms properly

Navami Nagane

Yep, there’s a water leak

Eugenia Canales

What steps do you take to restore the interior to an acceptable condition after fixing the exterior of the roof?

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