What purpose does the setup with two sets of wires containing white and red wires serve, especially with an outlet nearby?

Asked by Conrado Blanco
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 15, 2024

I’ve got this arrangement with two pairs of wires – one white and one red in each. Any idea what that’s all about? It’s kind of odd since there’s an outlet just a foot away, don’t you think? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Joel Salo

It’s tricky to tell, but those wires appear to be low gauge and quite old. Could be a lower voltage line for old technology like a doorbell or ancient phone line. To be sure, use a meter to check for voltage and confirm if it’s live. If no voltage, use a toner to trace the end and solve the mystery. Be cautious, as wires can be dangerous if mishandled.

Raphael Roche

Hey , seems like standard electrical wire to me, like old cloth-covered cable. It’s tough to say for sure. If it’s near another outlet, chances are it’s close to the floor.

Clifton Evans

I always say, if you’re not familiar with wiring and electricity, it’s best not to meddle with it. It can damage your home and pose risks to you. Seek help from a professional or do thorough research before attempting anything. Avoid seeking advice from random sources, as they might provide inaccurate information. Contact a professional or share a picture on a platform to get the right guidance.

Raphael Roche

What did Rachel mean by that? She was just curious about its purpose.

Annabelle Lévesque

Hmm, looks like it could be low-voltage wires, maybe for a secondary thermostat or doorbell. I suggest using a multimeter to double-check if it’s 12V or higher to figure out where it’s coming from. 🤔

Raphael Roche

I suggest getting a non-contact tester to check if the lines are live. Once you confirm, identify the circuit to see what else is connected. There’s not much info now, but you can easily gather a bit more safely.

Bobby Chambers

There are a few possibilities here. Perhaps someone relocated the outlet and connected the old wires to the new ones. It could also be another electrical component that was wired in, with the old wires used for a junction box. Or it might simply be outdated wiring that is no longer in use. To determine its purpose, test it for power. If it has power, have someone turn off one breaker at a time until it loses power. This will help you identify its connection.

Benji Kuilder

Could be old antenna cables, potentially.

Benji Kuilder

Put a paintable cover plate over it and you’re all set

Abbie Castillo

Maybe those are old thermostat lines. That’s how mine appear.

Barış Ağaoğlu

Extremely ancient.

Pasquale Meunier

I’ve noticed red being used in three-way connections with two switches and one light. Whenever I set that up, I make sure to carefully draw out the diagram.

Soledad Mora

Those seem to be low voltage lines. For things like doorbells and thermostats.

Iina Hiltunen

Make sure you have the flux capacitor wires; you’ll need them for jigawatts.

Gül Dağlaroğlu

Cover up the low voltage.

Jordão Peixoto

Hey, there’s some old low voltage here. It could be from a thermostat, doorbell, old security system, or old intercom. Just like everyone mentioned before, make sure to check for live wires. If you’re curious, try to figure out which breaker it’s connected to, but mainly focus on checking the caps and putting a plate over it.

Margit Kjøsnes

Those cables seem a bit thick to be low voltage, perhaps for a doorbell or thermostat.

Are both pairs of wires connected? Are the two white wires capped together and the two red wires capped together separately?

If you’re curious, try pulling the wires out and disconnecting them (if they are connected) to see if you lose power to an outlet or light.

From your photo, it appears there is only one wire into each wire nut.

It might be a good idea to get a basic power tester to check if they are live. Or invest $50 in a multimeter to measure the current flowing through, if any.

Laura Amador

Where is this on the wall? The placement might affect my response.

Başak Wattel

Corner close to a baseboard. So thermostat probably not the issue 😅

Janik Greijdanus

Old telephone line

Terrence Holmes

To me, they seem like they have a small gauge. My guess is it’s the doorbell transformer.

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