What makes this trick so appealing to you?

Asked by Arlene Stevens
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I’m a fan of this trick.

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Robert Day

Is it possible to make a larger hole from the start?

Aldonza Velásquez

Hehehe, yeah make sure you get it right the first time.

Alice Berry

Must be nice being you and never messing up.

Robert Day

Ronnie erber thanks a bunch 🙏🏻

Matthew Brown

Hey Kevin, I would be thrilled to collaborate with you. But just a heads up, if you happen to make a tiny mistake, I might exaggerate it a bit, even if it’s just dropping a wirenut. I’ll definitely bring the drama, haha!

Miguel Ordóñez

I picked up that trick back in school over 14 years ago…🙈🙈

Martin Lukashevich

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Aubree Ray

I don’t typically use hole saws for that purpose.

Eloy Luna

Hey there! If you’re a non-union illegal immigrant looking to pick up some new skills, stick around to find out how to snag our jobs for $20/hour.

Gregorio Vázquez

I heard that even has illegal workers filling in for union jobs here in Ohio. I don’t understand how that’s allowed…

Eloy Luna

That has no connection to unions or union workers. It’s a predominantly Republican state where Right to Work laws enable this to happen as a way to weaken unions.

Gregorio Vázquez

Mentioned that it’s actually the unions who are providing substitute workers because they are short-staffed.

Eloy Luna

The union is not calling the shots here. If it were up to them, all contractors would be unionized. But “right to work” laws pushed by Republicans are hindering the unions from having full control. These laws are designed to weaken unions, which is why we are seeing this situation.

Carmelo Uribe

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Mason Ma

In a lot of hole saw-holders, you have the option to attach the larger saw first, followed by the smaller saw for guidance

Bobbie Hawkins

Axel . Modesto

Camille Abraham

Hey everyone, check out this trick I learned.

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