What is your price for replacing a meter block?

Asked by Gilbert Flores
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

How much would you charge for replacing a meter block?

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Hunter Sanders

Instead of $5 million, it’s more likely to be in the range of $300 to $500.

Sharlene Spencer

If it were up to me, I would simply replace the entire thing. Since you’ll need a permit anyway, might as well do a full replacement.

Lesa Lucas

It’s best to act professionally and opt for a complete replacement…costing around $1500.

Estela Pedroza

Let’s consider replacing everything!

Eli Medina

Installed a new meter base

Leonardo Orosco

It might be a good idea to replace everything, around $1200-1500 with permit and disconnection included.

Patricia Neal

Hey , have you ever wondered about the cost of a new pan with disconnect? It’s around $230… How about the labor cost for a half day of work?

Tammy Scott

You could try contacting the utility company to see if they have the necessary parts. If not, replacing the entire meter base might be the best option.

Catherine Hanson

The cost of $2175.00 covers the permit as well.

Maya Claire

It’s worth noting that finding an exact match could be very challenging.

Kimberly Grant

The cost varies based on location. In rural Missouri, it could be between $300 to $500 for residential areas. In cities like St. Louis or Kansas City, anywhere from $500 to $2000 depending on the neighborhood. New York City would be around $2500, while Los Angeles might cost around $3000. For Magnet, Nebraska, the price is approximately $250.

Pauline Price

Just a quick change of one jaw for $500.

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