What is the specific name for the arch design used in bookcases like the ones described, in order to find more accurate search results?

Asked by Maddison Singh
6 months ago
Last Updated: August 26, 2024

Hey there! I know we’re not supposed to ask about where to buy parts, but I was wondering if anyone could help me out with naming a specific part? I’m trying to recreate bookcases similar to the ones in the picture below. I’ve seen a lot of DIYs using crown molding for the top, door casing for the sides, and rosettes, but I’m stuck on how to recreate the arched design within the bookcase. When I search for “arched bookcase,” I only find plain semicircle arches. I checked out Ekena Millwork with no luck. Does anyone know what they might call that specific arch design so I can search more effectively? This is my first post, so I hope it’s okay to ask!

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Francisca Centeno

Give an ornate arch a shot!

Ranbir Gupta

All you really need is a jigsaw and a pencil. Sketch out your design and then cut it out of 1x. Make sure to soak your molding before shaping it.

Anthony Hügel

Have you checked out the Broscoe catalog?

Mikail Pleym

Do you know the name for curved moldings? They can be Convex, Concave, or Arched.

Margit Kjøsnes

How about a scalloped wood valance?

Julius Lehtonen

No worries, ! I noticed that the seller on etsy is creating similar items using CNC. The one I shared is fancier than your inspiration photo… if I were you, I’d reach out to them and ask if they can make one that matches your desired style in the size you’re looking for. Small businesses are great for custom items like that!

Flavio Uribe

What about corbels?

Dorofeya Makarushka

That’s usually referred to as a wooden valance.

James Mccoy

The rounded top section is called a fascia. It’s unlikely you’ll find pre-made ones in the correct size. To make your own curved fascia, you’ll need a jig saw and a small router at the very least. You can also enhance your DIY fascia with decorative elements like Angelina recommended.

Beatrice Margaret

Make sure to browse through the selection of valances and appliqués offered at kitchen cabinetry stores.

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