What is the solution for repairing the seal in this situation?
10 months ago
Last Updated: April 25, 2024
So, how exactly do you go about fixing this and swapping out the seal?
You don’t need to swap out the glass. Instead, have a glazer replace the panel with a higher quality seal. Those black gum seals are often the culprit. Remember, cheaper options are usually not the best choice.
What he mentioned above 👆! The seal is typically located between two panes of glass.
Hey there! Is there a preference for which side the glass is replaced on? Inside the house or outside? What do you think would be the simplest option?
An anonymous participant mentioned it’s usually done from the outside, but in this case, it seems like you might have to approach it from the inside. It appears to be a door unit with fixed glass installed as a single unit. Remember, you can’t just replace one pane; you need to remove it as a single unit and get a double pane with seal as a replacement. Make sure it’s the correct size. Your side lites are made of the same material and are likely to deteriorate in the same way over time. If you’re not very skilled, it might be best to have a glass professional handle it. You could try to do it yourself, but if you make a mistake, it could turn out quite badly.
An anonymous participant should snap a photo from the outside. There is typically a jamb stop that can be removed to take it out. However, it depends on how the door was constructed.
When you remove the trim, make sure to measure the glass. Contact a glass or door company and request 5 pane GBG with your specific measurements.
Unfortunately, the window is beyond repair. On the bright side, it seems like you can remove the trim and take the window to any glass shop for a replacement.
Check for a manufacturer’s label on the door or glass, as some offer a lifetime warranty on parts.
That’s why you hardly ever see a brand label on doors and windows, .
In my experience, it’s usually on the hinge side of the jamb/slab or in the top/bottom corner of the glazing.