What is the most effective way to remove ceiling tile adhesive based on personal experiences?

Asked by Anaïs Joly
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 4, 2024

Has anyone ever had to deal with removing ceiling tile adhesive before? What would you say is the most effective way to do it? Thanks!

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Gary Pierce

Scraper tool

Gary Pierce

Ez suggests using a planer to get the surface low enough for sanding.

Gary Pierce

Ez recommends using heat guns to melt the product, but be careful because it can spread. It’s best to remove as much product as possible without heat.

Gary Pierce

Ez, have you attempted using a scraper, old chisel, and hammer for it?

Gary Pierce

I recently had to deal with old liquid nails on cladding too, ez.

Patrick Stephens

Have you checked out EZ Strip? Their youtube channel is pretty helpful. Just make sure to gear up for protection.

Matthew Williamson

Oh no, that doesn’t seem enjoyable!

Neysa Shah

I suggest wearing a mask, turning off the HVAC, and starting by spraying warm soapy water to loosen the pods before cleaning.

Arantxa Van Bohemen

You’ll need a reciprocating saw with an extra-long scraper blade for scraping floors. Also, consider using a heat gun and a scaffolding platform for safety when working on the ceiling.

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