What is the most effective solution to resolve this issue efficiently?

Asked by Leta Barnett
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

What’s the best way to go about fixing this?

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Slavko Heidt

It appears that the door was forcefully kicked in and the jamb was damaged. The side where the door strikes is beyond repair. You’ll need to replace it.

Branko Milutinović

Do you want to know how to repair the peeling paint layers? Get rid of any loose paint, apply a coat or two of drywall mud to even out the surface and cover the paint layers. Gently sand with 220 or 320 grit sandpaper, then prime and paint over.

محیا نجاتی

Hey , you should take out the strike side jamb and put in a new one.

Branko Milutinović

Hey , my bad for the confusing response earlier. I missed the broken jamb because only the first 3 photos loaded. can help you out.

Frida Poulsen

I usually use a razor blade to trim back about an inch from the peeled edge. It’s important to remove any old paint that appears raised. Apply some drywall mud, sand it down, prime, and then paint over it.

Ron Butler

Cut out the damaged piece and replace it with a new 1×4, then add trim to that side. Redo that section of the door frame. I don’t see any other solution besides replacing some wood.

محیا نجاتی

Mentioned that they will have to cut down a 1×6 to 4-9/16”

Ron Butler

Is doing just fine, Doug 🙄

محیا نجاتی

Make sure to apply a prime sealer after sanding the edges but before repainting. It seems like the paint is not sticking well to the surface. Be cautious about where you get advice from on this platform! 😉

Freja Kristensen

You can get a jamb kit at Home Depot.

Melvin Harris

What seems to be the problem? The trim piece should hide the layer close to the jamb.

Sarah Roberts

Skin coat and sand the surface before painting, then reattach the trim.

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