What is the correct terminology for this particular strut?

Asked by Samuel Scott
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 9, 2024

What’s the correct name for this support beam?

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Ricardo Rico


Lisa Holt

Deep slotted uni strut

Pablo Salinas

Seems to be a double strut.

Tracey Sullivan

A sign used for advertising

Julia Fajardo

I like to refer to it as Double strut.

Eugene Lowe

Check out the arc!

Dominic Li

King Kong’s headboard

Louis Barnaby

Consecutive one and a quarter or PS 1001.

Wesley Washington

Reat Britain 🇬🇧

Keith Porter

Hey Dustin, is that the correct name? 😝

Diana Corrales

A ton of double struts

Sonia Lugo

Double strut that measures 2 inches. It appears to be even deeper than regular strut.

Kristin Silva


Tania Villa


Angélica Camacho


Lori Nichols

Nobody gives a damn

Antonio Morrison

Referred to as super strut during my two decades of experience

David Smith


Carter Jones

Wow, that’s a heavy load…

Bianca Nazario


Jacob Harcourt

Strut measuring 81 by 41 inches

Mason Bergeron

One after another deep or double deep

María Cristina Jaimes

You shall not pass

Debbie Beck


Aiden Robertson

Strut, unistrut, double strut… I’m not completely certain, but I’m pretty sure these are all brand names. Also, there’s super strut. (Yeah, I just refer to it as strut) but I think it might be double u-channel, possibly, maybe. 😂😂

Anne Kennedy

Unistrut Channel

Alicia Acosta

Extremely deep

Kimberly Mitchelle

Strut mounted back to back or simply two struts.

Erica Holland

Two struts.

Úrsula Navarrete

Did that really have a purpose in the electrical setup or was it just an incredibly expensive way to pass the time? It does look pretty cool though!

Alexis Smith

Not needed

Vera Adams

Plated Double back unistrut

Blake Ambrose

After all that, you can hang equipment using spring nuts

Jacinto Arce

Wow, that was a lot of money wasted

Jerónimo Laboy

What is the purpose of this?

Frank Hunter

Dual Channel Strut

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