What is the best way to address the disgusting tape underneath the caulking in a standing shower?
6 months ago
Last Updated: August 15, 2024
I need to recaulk my standing shower, but I’m not sure what this “tape” is underneath. It looks pretty gross. Can I just pull it up and recaulk instead?
Are you referring to the outdated silicone?
It could possibly be. The texture is gritty and when I attempted to score it with a blade, the part with the shelving separated from the other side.
It seems to resemble a clear type of tape. The width is too consistent to be anything else. You can try applying mild heat from a hairdryer to soften the adhesive. Be cautious not to make it too hot. Use a plastic straight blade at a low angle to scrape between the wall panel and the tape, then clean off the adhesive residue with a solvent. Test on a small area first to avoid damaging your wall panels.
That’s not tape, , it’s silicone. You can see the drag marks from it on the right side of the seam.
That appears to be some old silicone caulk that has become moldy and mildewy, likely because it wasn’t mold-resistant caulk for showers and tubs. You can simply remove it by scraping it off and re-caulking with the appropriate product.
It seems like the silicone caulk is just old and has become moldy and mildewy because it wasn’t mildew resistant. Just scrape it off and re-caulk with the appropriate product.
It looks like there’s some smeared caulking. It seems like too much was initially applied, and then someone tried to wipe it down with a rag. As a result, it ended up getting dirty and moldy.
Try using caulk softener
If you’re looking for a quick fix, this product works like a charm!
That silicone is pretty old. You’ll want to remove it all using a caulk scraper (I’d suggest using a plastic one for this job). After that, clean the area with rubbing alcohol and Q tips, making sure to let it dry (ideally for 24 hours with some fans circulating air). Finally, apply a fresh layer of kitchen and bath silicone. I’d recommend using white.
Gotta find something to soften the caulk
Here you are,
Seems like it’s old silicone. Good luck scraping it clean with alcohol and applying a fresh coat. You might want to ensure you use paintable caulk.
Remove the old caulk and apply a fresh layer.
Carefully scrape off the existing material as suggested by others. When repairing, ensure there is a 1/2″ overlap on corner panels. Apply latex caulk between the overlap and clear silicone on exposed edges once dry. You might need to tape the seam while it dries, as has done in similar situations with MAAX showers.
Tom Coller is one step ahead of me every time. But thanks anyway!
Always have my top 2 picks ready to go.
I think it must have been some kind of glue because the shelf panel is starting to come off. The glue material near the bottom is moldy/mildewed, so it will need to be replaced. Should I glue the panel to the wall behind it or use silicone caulk instead? I’m not sure why they used glue on the seams instead of regular white caulk.
Oh man, ! You have to use this specific caulk, otherwise other adhesives will just destroy it.
Hopefully you can see the special pattern that ensures air won’t get trapped in between gaps.
Here are the instructions for the side panel glue in case they’re not secure. Pay attention to the highlighted section.
Make sure to check out the adhesive instructions first.
Thanks a lot! 🙏
You’re welcome. Use some wide tape, like blue or green, to tape the edge down in a few places, leaving room for it to breathe. After 12 hours, you can apply white latex or DAP AMP silicone. If it starts to pull away, tape it down. These flimsy showers are a hassle to install. The pans are good quality though.
At the hardware store, they recommend using caulk remover instead of Vaseline