What is the best solution for replacing poorly done vinyl siding and addressing rot behind it in our house addition?

Asked by Addison Dixon
4 weeks ago
Last Updated: May 29, 2024

Hey everyone, looking for some advice here. So, we’ve got this part of our house that was added on (laundry room on a concrete slab) before we moved in. The vinyl siding they put on was done pretty poorly, just slapped over the wood. We’ve discovered some rot and when it rains hard, water seeps inside. What’s the best way to go about replacing it all – the siding and whatever’s behind it?

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Bob Lane

That’s a pretty broad question, especially without any pictures. The best advice, without more information and visuals, would be to remove everything, replace the rotted wood, and then re-side it.

Amy Addy

First things first – let’s stop that leak. Is it coming from the slab? Maybe the grade is too high. Is water coming down the wall from the roof, window, or door? is right, some pictures would really help here. But let’s identify the problem first.

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