What is the best solution for addressing indoor mouse infestations during the winter months?
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 14, 2024
What’s the best way to repair or fill in this hole? Since it’s winter, we’ve been dealing with mice coming in and we already sealed up all the openings outside. But now we’re not sure what to do about this one.
Use steel wool to block openings.
I was just going to mention that,
It really comes down to what you’re trying to accomplish. If your goal is simply insulation, a few cans of spray foam should do the trick with no problem
How cold is it where you are? What does the area around the pipe look like? If it will be above freezing for 12 hours, remove the insulation and fill around the pipe with hydraulic cement until flush with the interior wall. For the broken block, fill the void with insulation, spray foam keeping it away from the wall, and finish with hydraulic cement. Ensure the cement is stiff and wet the old block before applying. Hydraulic cement sets quickly and expands as it cures to seal leaks. If mice still get through, it’s time to relocate. 😎
To properly seal it, use hydraulic cement. Get it done correctly the first time. Steel wool is a temporary fix, fiberglass allows air passage, and rodents can chew through spray foam. Use spray foam to fill large voids, but use hydraulic cement to fix the concrete.