What is the best method to secure the corners of my mirror frames without cutting 45-degree angles on each end? Should I use dowel rods or construction screws?

Asked by Maia Patel
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 1, 2024

I’m currently working on framing up some large mirrors (measuring 3 feet by 5 feet) to hang flat on the ceiling. To keep things consistent in my space, I decided to use the same 1x3s that I used for the chair rail. I glued two of them together and then routed out a 1 inch deep, 1/4 inch channel around all the frame pieces. Now, these pieces are a bit long and need to be cut down to size, giving me a few extra inches to work with on each of them.

After routing out the channels completely through each board, I ended up with the channel exposed on each end. My question is, what’s the best way to secure these corners in a solid yet clean manner? I’d rather not cut 45-degree angles on each end if I can avoid it. Would using dowel rods be a good option? Or maybe some angled and recessed construction screws on the backside? Do you have any other ideas that might work better?

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Ulrich Dumont

Dowel or biscuit with adhesive, concealed 90 brackets on the back. I’ve been utilizing pocket screws but they only offer strength in one direction.

Ulrich Dumont

Alternatively, use an aluminum shim in the channel, cutting it like a biscuit and securing it with screws from the back. You can also apply epoxy to the aluminum shim to bond it to the wood. Keep in mind that in a high humidity environment, all glue will eventually fail after 30 years.

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