What is the best method for covering a backyard patch of dirt with concrete, including correct depth, materials, and concrete type to use?

Asked by Kerttu Hannula
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 25, 2024

Hey everyone! I’ve got this spot in my backyard that I want to turn into a nice flat surface by pouring concrete over it. Any suggestions on the best way to go about it? Should I dig down about 6-10 inches, fill it with gravel, add some rebar, and then pour the concrete? And what type of concrete should I use for this project? Appreciate any advice you can offer!

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Micaela Barrios


Lina Schmelzer

Just poke around in a few spots to ensure it’s pretty packed down, which is likely. Remove 4″ of soil and use sakrete, you’ll be good to go.

رضا کامروا

I would be genuinely surprised if there isn’t a water valve or shut off hidden in that area, hence all the greenery.

Agnieszka Richard

I am so curious to find out if there’s anything inside.

Mónica Pascual

Before doing anything, it’s a good idea to check the municipality map first. There might be a water shutoff or something similar there.

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