What interesting discovery did you make while exploring a house recently?

Asked by Wallace Hunter
3 months ago
Last Updated: June 23, 2024

I saw this thing in a house earlier.

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Justin Bergeron

I keep mine in the old asbestos wood boxes from 1911 knob and tube, with the meter mounted above it in the kitchen of the home

Anthony Bergeron

I stumbled upon a variety of items from 1913 under the floorboards in my parents attic while rewiring the house. The house was constructed in the 1880’s so the electricians left some items under the floor which was quite interesting

Justin Bergeron

We discover brace and bit drills and bits that became stuck ,2 antique handguns
Leather shoes from the turn of the century.
And marbles lol

Anthony Bergeron

Wow what kind of handguns ?

Roberta Pearson

Wow, I just discovered my electrical permit certificate in our house under the garage steps about a year ago while cleaning. It’s not as cool as this, mine is from 1997.

Salvador Frazier

Amazing 💪

Vincent Patel


David Claire

J redd took care of it, no worries

Cindy Day

OM!! 1968 was a long time ago!

Gabriela Corrales

Wow, did they really have inspections back in the day? haha

Leonardo Mateo

Finding opportunities like this is not easy! I’m so happy I found your page. Your trading skills are truly impressive.
👉👉👉 Johanna Berthold

Felix Hudson

When it comes to the government, it’s best to just follow the rules and work hard

Eva Holt

There’s a warning on it that says not to remove this tag👀👀👀

Bernabé Cuellar

Oh, no pushmatic breakers in 1968

Gary Shelton

Back in the last century, way back in the 1900s

Abbie Barnett

Incredibly cool

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