What do you think of this?

Asked by Hector Hanson
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 5, 2024

Here you are!

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Ruben Garcia

Oh, don’t forget about using knob and tube for wiring installations

Clinton Flores

It’s considered the safest wiring method

Sarah Sims

When done correctly, gets a thumbs up from me!

Micaela Valverde

Actually, , it is. As long as it’s left alone

Neil Evans

Having trouble identifying both the hot and neutral wires.

Jeffrey Montgomery

That’s strange- I actually removed a bunch of that stuff earlier today..

Horacio Espinoza

Daisy sour cream is my favorite🙄

Zacarías Treviño

It’s gotta have some value in the future. Maybe even end up in a museum.

Jeff Lambert

Old homes, you gotta love them

Justin Bergeron

I have multiple coffee cans filled with both

Darren Bradley

Remember, Knob and Tube wiring

Jaime Esquivel

Outdated knob and tube wiring

Olivier Lévesque

The youngsters are clueless.

Dave Garrett

Knob and tube wiring

Andrea Hart

I’ve encountered some of that which is still live.

Pilar Vázquez

Now that’s classic Americana Ice cream.

Conrado Ureña

Sharpening a knife

Stella Harris

No content

James Morin

I just found out that my roommate has been keeping all the boxes of his purchases and storing them in the attic on top of each other.

Gabriel Jensen

Daisy is simply the best

Leo Grant

Came across a bunch of those in my 22 years working in New Jersey

Stephanie Henry

I remember using it when I was younger, and when used correctly, it is very safe

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