What DIY project have you recently tackled that combines your electronic background with a love for challenges and creativity?

Asked by Götz Drechsler
6 days ago
Last Updated: June 21, 2024

Hey there! I’m excited to be here and looking forward to getting some great ideas. I also hope I can offer some helpful answers to others. My expertise is in electronics, but I love a good challenge and prefer to do things myself rather than hiring someone. Right now, I’m just about finished with my latest project – transforming a regular closet into a custom built-in office space.

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Henner Jahn


Baljiwan Andrade

Great job!

Marinko Lazić

This is wonderful!

یاسمین علیزاده

It’s looking really nice! Quick question though, in my area a room needs to have a window and a closet to be considered a bedroom. If you were to add those features, it could change the listing from a 3/2 to a 2/2 with an office. Do you think that would decrease the value of your home? Of course, you could always put up a wall and door again later on… I’m just thinking about the current setup. Once again, it looks fantastic. Just curious.

Ole Osland

I totally agree with you!

Iago Ramos

Has a similar law in NC, but you can bypass it by including an armoire in the sale that you intend to leave to the buyer

Sandra Hidalgo

Good suggestion – but I think the walls could use some more sanding.

Jerome Lub

You could consider installing a bifold barn door or something similar to transform it back into a bedroom. This way, you can keep the shelves/desk and turn it into a custom closet. If you ever need to hide clutter, just close the doors.

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