What did you see while replacing a flood light?

Asked by Arianna Lee
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 21, 2024

I just noticed this while swapping out a flood light.

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Susan Elliott

I think there should be some sort of ticket or fine for the person responsible for this

Darryl Phillips

I mean, the work is truly fantastic.

Indira Esparza

Wow, that looks really professional, but aim for even better next time

Silvano Casanova

The asbestos siding had them worried

Indira Esparza


Gary Larson

I wish the rain would come in.

Alexis Scott

I hope they remembered to drill drain holes! 😄

Wilma Cole

That job is messed up, it should be reported to the authorities.

Marianne Singh

I really wish there’s a space for water beneath this meter 😆

Rocío Cedillo

That’s the reason why many inspectors would not pass an installation that lacks a pipe connecting the weatherhead and meter box…

Liam Foster

Most likely from 1947 code

Edwin Gardner

How can the meter be read without the utility shutting down the service?

Maya Cook

‘s current live service should be fine until it stops working, then it needs to be addressed.

Hunter Scott

It seems like has a Smart Meter, which means it transmits a signal so they don’t need to actually see the meter to take readings now.

Walter Gray

Seems like an upgrade in service to me

Dulce María Olvera

Randfather clause

Maxime Walker

Oh no, that’s not ideal

Christian Martin

Next up on the show ‘When temporary solutions stick around’

Virginia Véliz

Nah, not really.

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