What crucial step am I overlooking if four different sizes of new covers still don’t fit over the open vent holes in my walls, despite removing the original cover?

Asked by Andrea Thomsen
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I must be overlooking a crucial step here because none of the four new covers I bought fit. I even took off the original cover, thinking this would be a simple fix. Check out this picture of one of the many vent holes in my walls!

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Vesna Erceg

Can you tell me the size of the hole?

Svitoslav Pavlikovskiy

Someone anonymously purchased a vent cover that measures 2″x10″.

Francislene Jesus

Is the heat vent still functioning properly?

Carmen García

There are numerous size options available on Amazon.

Sam Brewer

Take a photo holding a tape measure in front of a flat 4×12 and bring it to a store you trust.

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