What could be the reason behind this issue?

Asked by Ludmila Rukavina
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 3, 2024

Do you have any thoughts on why this is going on?

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Fúlvio Nogueira

Seems like there’s a leak.

Krish Kaur

I think there might be a leak somewhere.

Kasper Sippola

Cut an opening in the ceiling to locate the leak. Once found, repair the leak and refinish the ceiling. I suggest using a large canvas drop cloth and a heavier grade visqueen. I have done many of these before. Good luck!

Kasper Sippola

Asking if the issue is with the upstairs toilet, tub, or sink?

Kasper Sippola

It’s a significant issue…once you have access to it, you will definitely be able to trace the culprit easily.

Izolda Karanović

Looks like you’ve got a leak.

Margit Kjøsnes

What is located above that area? Is it an air handler? The spread of the water seems too extensive for it to be a roof leak.

Stephanie Smith

Hmm…sounds like water damage, haha

Jessica Warren

Could you provide more context? Which room is this in? What is located above this ceiling?

Olea Mandelid

If there isn’t a 2nd floor, the most probable cause is a roof leak unless there are hidden pipes. Once you make a hole in the ceiling, you’ll probably see what’s causing the issue.

Jessica Warren

Hey , I’m a realtor and my hunch is that it’s a roof leak. You should consider getting a roofer to inspect the entire roof –

Freja Møller

Hey , do you happen to have access to the attic? –

Jordão Peixoto

If you’re in a house, then the leak is probably coming from your roof. If you’re in an apartment, it could be from your upstairs neighbor.

Antoniya Gankevich

There might be a leak somewhere, maybe from the roof or the AC unit if it’s located up there. You should also inspect the rubber boot on the roof since the plumbing vents out through there. Best of luck!

Therese Woudstra

There is significant water damage – make sure to identify the source before trying to fix that specific area.

Aron Mathiesen

Have you had a chance to explore the attic yet?

Almedina Venekamp

We experienced something similar. One day it rained and water came through the ceiling, causing water damage.

Salma Rosas

I’ve seen this kind of thing with dryer vents before. If the vent is completely blocked, the moisture will have nowhere to escape and may eventually leak from one of the joints. It could also be a roof leak, but that would be noticeable in the attic due to wet insulation. It definitely seems to be coming from above though.

Alejandro Ibarra

It could be a clogged condensation line causing the leak

Matias Pulli

Damage from water

Ostoja Dokić


Edgar David

I can definitely repair that

Gustavo Vázquez

Leak in the roof

Malik Anderson

Seems like it’s from condensation

Sofia Poulsen

Is that the exhaust fan for the bathroom? If it is, does it not seem to be effectively removing moisture? In my own home, we made the mistake of using flexible tubing. Over time, the tubing started to sag and water collected at the lowest point, eventually causing a small leak. Fortunately, we caught it before it became a major problem.

Soham Burton

I’ve noticed a small patch that’s bubbling up, but it’s completely white. There are no water stains, and the bubbling hasn’t spread much over the past two years. Any idea what might be causing this? We recently got a new roof installed.

آرش حسینی

Seems like there’s an old leak… make sure to scrape it off thoroughly… apply two coats of spackle, prime it, then paint over it

Egas Moura


Egas Moura

Hey, if you need some professional assistance, I’m right here. Let me tell you about my line of work. I’ve been at it for 43 years now.

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