What could be the cause of my paint issues despite my careful preparation and application process with Kilz and latex paint?
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 10, 2024
I’m just trying to get to the bottom of this. I’ve peeled off the loose paint, filled in with drywall compound, and wiped it down to make sure there’s no dust left. I’ve put on two layers of Kilz, waiting overnight in between. Finally, I’m painting on two coats, with another overnight wait in between each. I’m using latex paint. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are there cracks underneath? Is the sheetrock shifting?
Possibly a water trail.
Hey, something’s going on here, dude. It appears to be a crack that’s been sealed with caulk.
I don’t see any moisture. Looks like I’ll have to scrape it off and start over. It’s really bothering me.
So you’re telling me you used drywall compound to patch it up, then wiped it with a damp rag? Did you apply multiple layers of mud, sanding in between?
Insect digging tunnels?
That’s a common sign of termite activity.
It could be a termite trail, or if you wiped it with a wet rag, the mud might have absorbed the moisture and bulged. Let it dry thoroughly, then sand it down. Avoid using a wet rag. If that doesn’t work, termites could be the issue.
Termites possibly between the drywall and paint?
Either way, last time I scraped it, I didn’t see any bugs.
Thinks they might be hiding behind the drywall, or maybe it’s another type of burrowing bug. I’m guessing the spackle just didn’t dry properly.
Alex – I’m thinking the drywall compound may not have dried fully. I’ll be working on this task towards the end of the week.
Termites are a problem…
Seems like someone filled a crack with caulk. If that’s what happened, make sure to clean out the crack and apply new mud.
Seems to be a trail made by termites.
Get a small elastomeric sealant. Remove the crack, fill it with elastomeric, and allow it to dry. Apply a skim coat over the elastomeric since it can’t be painted. After sanding and finishing, paint over it. The crack shouldn’t reappear as this product is flexible.
– Not just a crack.
Try pushing on the indentation with your fingernail or a screwdriver… if it easily crumbles, it’s probably due to termites
Seems to be a termite tube
I’m thinking you already figured out the problem, fixed it, and just shared to see who actually thinks a termite would burrow through drywall. They do make small holes, but burrows like that, definitely not.
Cory – I still haven’t addressed it. I’m sure it’s not caused by insects. There doesn’t seem to be a crack. The issue lies in the paint not sticking properly. I plan to work on this in a few weeks and will provide an update.