What concerns do you have about the new deck being put on your daughter’s house in New York, specifically regarding water seepage and the electrical conduit installation?

Asked by Hunter Williamson
1 month ago
Last Updated: August 14, 2024

Hey, so I’m taking a break from work for a bit. My daughter is getting a new deck installed on her house in New York. I’m not too thrilled with how it’s turning out though – I’m worried water might still seep into the PVC. It’s not just a simple sleeve in the ground. The conduit actually stretches about 50 feet to a box that’s mounted on the side of the house. And the wire being used is UF-B.

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Dale Kelley

You know, one thing I’ve figured out is that x should never be inside conduits.

Lea Li

Hey, that’s actually UF cable. The code doesn’t specifically prohibit UF or x from being in a conduit.

Avery Howell

Water commonly finds its way into conduits. Kind of unavoidable. That’s why it’s important to use waterproof wire, like UF-B. Conduits mainly protect against mechanical damage.

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