What are your thoughts on my first panel as an Atlanta electrician?

Asked by Georgia Jimenez
7 months ago
Last Updated: June 11, 2024

Check out my first panel👀 Thoughts ⚡️

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Clifton Ryan

Well done

Alison Moore

We’re looking to have a representative in your area for Transformers, Cables, Switches… Feel free to reach out to me.

Bently Jean-Baptiste

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Lisa Castro

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Gregorio Orosco

¡Excelente trabajo 👍

Lois Patterson

Congratulations 🎉

Heidi Bowman

I was struggling financially until I met my landlord and she introduced me to Mrs. Laura Andreas, starting with a small investment completely turned my life around. I highly recommend you reach out to Mrs. Laura Andreas

María Elena Parra

Stephen Snead, Paul, I’m sure you were, buddy. I highly recommend checking out deez nutz, buddy!

Rose Chow


Carter Garza


Kathy Flores

‘t stop now! It’s impressive!

Yolanda de la Fuente

Nice, I would personally balance the load a bit more…

Benjamin Jean-Baptiste

Reat work! Consider placing the Main at the bottom for a different look. Still, overall very impressive.

Elizabeth Lavoie

Wow, you did a great job!

Janet Butler

I’m not upset about it, but I do have three questions, assuming this is a sub panel: 1: Do you have a main panel that supplies power to your 240 volt circuits? 2: You should take out that green bonding screw, and 3: No offense, but I would have preferred a more organized way of labeling the panel, like using a label maker or finding someone with neater handwriting. Everything else seems fine.

Jeffery King

Why do you assume it’s a sub panel? There is a main breaker, so it could actually be the main panel for a small home. Without seeing it in person, I’m just curious why you jumped to that conclusion when it’s not a main lug panel.

Aubrey Crawford

Seems to be nitpicking to try to make himself seem superior.

Eva Díaz

As of 2020 NEC, an outdoor disconnect is required. Most areas have adopted the 2020 code by now.

Janet Butler
Janet Butler

So you’re saying that just because it’s fed by SER, the grounds are isolated, and there are no 240 volt circuits in this panel, that’s not enough to assume it’s a sub panel?

Aubrey Crawford

Keep in mind that they’re not isolated if the neutral is bonded.

Janet Butler

Hey Evan, take a closer look by zooming in. There’s a separate ground bar where all the grounds, including the SER ground, are connected. I believe that bond screw might have been placed there by mistake. 🧐

Yolanda Arevalo

I personally prefer running the entire sheet of stickers and cutting the last 2 or 3 with a knife instead of tearing them one by one. I like to handwrite my labels.

Aubrey Crawford

I don’t think we have enough details to give a precise assessment. 🤷‍♂️

Janet Butler

I see what you mean. Maybe this isn’t even part of the main house. Could be a separate cabin or something. Hopefully, the original poster will join the conversation to provide clarification. By the way, that old lady was quite amusing!

Gonzalo Palomo

Considering the four wire feed, it seems like a sub panel. If we assume it’s a service disconnect fed with SER, we run into issues with parallel conductors smaller than 1/0. It’s possible the screw is just there without being tightened, which is common.

Gonzalo Palomo

If it was in a separate structure, then the EC is missing

Angélica Gaytán

I’ve noticed a trend of placing the main breaker at the top. What if you put it at the bottom instead? It could save space, look neater, and reduce the amount of cable needed.

Hilda Vasquez

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Aubree Ma

I can’t believe it was your first time

Avery Gonzalez

Time to tackle some plumbing

María Eugenia Saldivar

This is not the right way up. Turning your wires like that will cause the current to flow out, wasting power. Stay safe!

Judá Alves

Remove that green screw

Kathy Powell

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Yolanda Arevalo

Remove the green screw

Yolanda Arevalo

Why just 100amp?

Valentin Sotelo

Requires balancing

Gonzalo Palomo

What do you mean, ?

Melvin Neal

You should consider getting a surge protection device

Logan Weaver

Sorry if you’ve read this and haven’t taken action yet. The more you insist it’s fake, the more people will invest and profit. Stop paying attention to naysayers and take a step forward. Who knows, it could be your time for a change. Time waits for no one. Huge thanks to Stewart for bringing a smile to my face. – Stewart Kuschner

Bill Newman

Send that over

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