What are the proper terms for the components that connect the boiler to the radiators in my house?

Asked by Margarita Griego
10 months ago
Last Updated: April 30, 2024

Hey, can anyone give me a hand with some terminology? We’ve got a situation where the stuff that connects our boiler to the radiators is all wet and dripping – the shutoff valve, the round thing it’s connected to, and the thing on top. Any ideas on what that’s called?

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Yasemin Adolf

The big part is the air scoop, and the small can-like object on top is an air relief valve

Amol Uchil

Chances are the air vent is not working properly. It’s a cheap part and easy to replace

Hugo Chen

You can find air vents at many large retail stores. Turn off the system and let it cool down before unscrewing the old one. Apply Teflon tape to the new one to prevent leaks.

Kevin Fox

Consulting with a plumber is a great idea

Stanko Cvetković

I’d recommend calling a plumber.
There are some outdated parts in this collection, and the soldered connections are not well-made.

Alexandrino Monteiro

It might be best to seek help from a professional plumber or heating specialist. This may not be a DIY project for most individuals.

Ian Mitchell

The purpose is to gather and eliminate air from the line. Consider replacing the automatic bleeder at the top if it’s not working properly.

Hrithik Tipparti

If you have isolation valves for that air scoop, switching out the automatic air vent on top should be a breeze. Just make sure to release the pressure, especially when the system is cold. If you can’t isolate, you’ll need to drain the whole system to release the pressure.

Gabriella Williams

Oh, that’s an air scoop or air eliminator. Typically, you’ll need to drain the system to replace it.

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