What are the advantages of using OSB sheathing over Tyvek for a 1MM project and when would it be preferable to use each option?

Asked by Yuridia Centeno
11 months ago
Last Updated: April 24, 2024

Could someone clarify the distinction between different sheathing choices and the reasoning behind selecting OSB for a project costing over $1 million? Do you think using OSB and Tyvek together would be suitable for a project of this scale?

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Auguste Brun


Abbie Hunt

Is the cost a factor or do you prioritize higher performance? (zip system)

Abbie Hunt

It’s worth noting that certain types of exterior cladding may still necessitate the use of additional WRB with Zip, by the way.

Raimund Degner

The key factor here is the adhesive. While I have witnessed traditional plywood failing due to subpar glue in the past, it hasn’t been a recent occurrence. Based on observations of scrap materials left out in the rain at construction sites, OSB appears to have better durability in harsh weather conditions. Of course, this is not a scientifically conducted study.

Vladoje Abramović

I personally prefer not to use OSB for anything. There are situations where it makes sense to opt for cheaper products, but OSB is not one of them. This is particularly important when it comes to properties meant for wealthier individuals. I’d rather have a smaller space than one constructed with inferior materials.

Vladoje Abramović


Antonino Gautier

I have experience constructing numerous houses using OSB and I have no problem using it on any home. Some people criticize OSB just because it’s trendy to do so, but when properly paired with house wrap, it is a perfectly fine material. While plywood is often hailed as superior, it can face similar issues to OSB if exposed to moisture. I once worked on a project for a contractor who insisted on using plywood for the subfloor and it was a nightmare. It would swell, separate, and I’m willing to bet it still squeaks horribly to this day.

Marek Klar

I totally agree (I used to work in construction). I began noticing construction sites and the sheathing scraps on the ground. Plywood delaminates and osb is not ideal.

Niklas Niskanen

When it comes to OSB, there’s a significant gap between regular OSB and ENHANCED OSB like Advantec. Advantec may be more expensive than authentic CDX plywood, but when used as a subfloor, it can endure months of rain exposure with minimal impact. On the other hand, CDX plywood can quickly deteriorate if it gets wet even a few times. I personally consider standard grade OSB to be subpar.

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