What angle degree should I cut the boards at to achieve the same pattern?

Asked by Lea French
1 month ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I want to follow the same design. Do you know at what angle the boards are cut?

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Marija Pierre

This is a chevron design, not herringbone. Chevron is angled at 45 degrees, while herringbone is typically at a 90 degree angle but laid in a 45 degree pattern

Marija Pierre

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Laure Bernard

Number 45

Asher Walker

Seems like a 45

Kylian Lambert

36.82 degrees

Matias Saksa

I agree. That angle definitely doesn’t appear to be 45 degrees. Maybe try using a protractor to get a more accurate match.

Katalina Gojković

45 pounds

Katalina Gojković

When two 45-degree angles meet in the middle, it forms Chevron pattern, when they are arranged in a stair-step manner, it creates Herringbone pattern. I recently completed the upper portion of ours using an opposite chevron design.

Raquel Vásquez

Begin from this spot. That will be your reference point. If that connection is incorrect, it will mess up everything. Herringbone usually runs at 45 degrees, but this particular one seems slightly tighter. Best of luck and have fun.

Igorina Shuhevich

Had some really helpful advice. I was actually unsure of where to begin.

پرهام نجاتی

The answer is 45

Sophia Fleming

A 45-degree angle cut

Jorge Santiago

Do you think you could see the football game properly with those candles blocking your view?

Igorina Shuhevich

Haha not my photo. 🤣
But I concur.

Tommy Rice

🤣 I was just thinking, my husband would definitely complain about those candles being in the way 🤦🏼‍♀️

Milla Kemppainen

Haha, herringbone… still funny 😂 and it’s actually not herringbone at all 🙈

Kaisa Bergli

I did 45

Igorina Shuhevich

Your mantel looks amazing!
What materials did you use to create it?

Kaisa Bergli

I repurposed an old 7×7 barn beam from my great-grandfather’s barn built in the 1920s. After cleaning it down to 6×6, I sealed it with Matte Poly.

Kaisa Bergli

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Alfredo Holguín

At a 45 degree angle

John Lucas


Egas Moura

I phoned Hairington bone

Judy Allen

It’s basically a bunch of 45 degree cuts that I put together. It took me some time

Judy Allen

Here, the only pieces missing are on the side. I recently finished building a floating entertainment center to go underneath, and tomorrow I’ll be adding a center fireplace

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