What additional supplies should I pick up from the store to improve my softwashing technique and prevent water damage around doors and windows?

Asked by Pamela Lira
7 months ago
Last Updated: May 15, 2024

What are some good tips for softwashing? It’s just me and my pressure washer right now, so I’m thinking about what else I might need to pick up from the store. Also, any advice on preventing water damage behind vinyl siding and around doors and windows?

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Bozhena Kachur

Hi Kelsy! I’ve been a glass guy for 25 years, and I wouldn’t recommend pressure washing your windows. Stay at least 2 inches away from them for safety.

Bozhena Kachur

When cleaning windows, try to avoid doorways, windows, and weep holes along the brick and foundation line. Windex has a garden hose attachment window washer that works wonders. Just be careful with pressure washing around them as it can damage the vinyl bead and frame seals.

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