Struggling with removing outdoor ceiling lights – screw crumbled when trying to remove, any advice on how to proceed?

Asked by Catherine Bishop
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey everyone, so I bought a house last year and I’m trying to make some changes. I have these outdoor ceiling lights that I need to remove to paint or replace, but I can’t figure out how to do it. There’s a little screw that seems to hold the plate in place, but when I tried to unscrew it, it just fell apart. So now I’m stuck. Any tips on how to remove these lights? I even took a picture of the screw part for reference.

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Joseph Cox

I suggest taking out the entire fixture. Look for another screw at the top. Loosen it to access the wires and the mount. Since you’re just starting out, remember to turn off the breaker. Sometimes it can be controlled by a 3-way switch, so just turning off the switch isn’t enough. Once it’s down, you can work on the fixture much easier.

Batur Dalkıran

When you’re trying to take off the lamp shade without removing the ceiling mount, you might find a screw disc inside the shade holding it in place. The small dimple you see in the photo isn’t a set screw, it’s actually a crimp securing the hardware to the cable. Take out the light bulb and check inside the shade to see if there’s anything to unscrew.

Amel Braam

Sure, I can do that. Just give me a moment to make the changes.

Bror Risberg

So I had to smash and bash it until it crumpled. Won’t be reusing that. Try twisting the rusty base or wiggling it to see what’s going on. There should be a bar underneath that’s screwed to the electrical box.

Amel Braam

Attempted to remove the base, but it’s stuck, I thought the small opening was for a screwdriver like the others, but it just fell apart lol. I’m trying to update or shorten the cords

Bror Risberg

Needs a new picture

Amel Braam

Is going to do that

Bror Risberg

Oh, that crimp on the top of the witch’s hat is just to secure the wire. To remove the globe, just take out the bulb. But honestly, I would just remove it from the ceiling. It all looks pretty bad since it’s old and falling apart.

Amel Braam

Wait, is that tiny opening what you mean by a crimp? How can I undo the crimp? Haha.

Bror Risberg

Hey, you know what? You have to take out a big nut from the inside of the witch’s hat. It goes all the way around the socket.

Amel Braam

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll give it a shot when I get back home. Your advice is much appreciated.

Janik Greijdanus

Make sure to turn off the power before gently removing those old fabric corded fixtures that need to be replaced.

Oswin Niedermeier

You might want to use pliers to loosen it up. And remember to turn off the power first.

James Mccoy

Try taking down the whole thing from the ceiling for an easier solution.

Amel Braam

I was attempting the same thing, but that top plate just won’t budge.

James Mccoy

Hey there! The picture doesn’t quite capture it all, but that looks like a nut. It’s connected to a hollow all-thread that the wire goes through. You might need pliers or vise-grips.

Amel Braam

Hey, just wanted to say hi, it’s !

Amel Braam

Hello again, it’s !

Amel Braam

Hey there, it’s me, !

Amel Braam

‘t bother fixing it, it’s probably more cost-effective to just get a new one.

Amel Braam

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Amel Braam

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Irmi Neuhaus

Make sure to turn off the circuit. It’s best to do it at the breaker, but if you use the wall switch, tape it so no one can accidentally turn it on. The 5″ disc on the ceiling is called a canopy. The hanging nipple has a small slotted set screw, usually made of plastic, that’s known as a strain relief. This applies pressure on the pendant cord to keep the fixture at the desired height. You may not need most or any of these parts. Try twisting the canopy counterclockwise first. Then, carefully attempt to remove the canopy using a paint stick to protect the ceiling. After that, cut the wire at the nipple and drill out the set screw. Grab the nipple with pliers and try to unscrew or pull it down. Following these steps will help you figure it out and finish the task. Best of luck!

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