Struggling to remove stubborn stains from sanded wood – any tips or tricks?

Asked by Leja Frigstad
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 27, 2024

Do you have any tricks for removing these small stains from wood that’s already been sanded?

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Sara Jarvinen

You might want to give diluted oxalic acid a try. It’s available on Amazon.

Saana Saarela

Spotted it at Ace Hardware labeled as Wood Bleach.

Adem Türkdoğan

Peroxide could potentially be effective.

Esther Hill

If you’ve tried everything else, consider using a nice oil-based wood polish to subtly alter the color and cover up any stains.

ایلیا یاسمی

Consider using bleach or oxalic acid to treat those specific areas.

Matilda Jokela

If it’s only a couple of stains, you might consider replacing those parts of the wood if the bleach or peroxide doesn’t do the trick.

Philipp Wohlfahrt

Thanks everyone! I tried wood bleaching on a few and hydrogen peroxide on others. It made a difference.

Alice Jones

If there is black stain in oak, additional sanding may help to remove it if it is not too deep. However, if the stain is deep, it may be difficult to completely eliminate. Consider using a floor sander or an edging sander for more thorough sanding

Alan Leroux

Renew wood treatment

محمدمهدی مرادی

Some stubborn stains cannot be completely removed by sanding. Try your best to match the color of the dark stains when staining to avoid uneven patches

Kaya Evliyaoğlu

Have you tried using 2 part wood bleach? It’s super strong so make sure to wear proper protective gear. It’s peroxide-based and gets rid of stains instantly. Just follow the instructions carefully.

Alejandro Delgado

I’ve discovered that using hydrogen peroxide for polishing works wonders.

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