Struggling to remove a lamp shade, any tips or tricks to make it easier?

Asked by Aapo Puro
1 month ago
Last Updated: August 11, 2024

Hey, does anyone know how to take off this lamp shade? I gave it a shot but couldn’t quite figure it out, haha.

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Käthi Masson

I’m almost certain that it’s built into the light itself… you would probably need to disassemble it to take it out.

Radomir Drljača

I was thinking it might be one solid piece, or perhaps the pipe can be unscrewed, although I’m concerned about potential twisting of whatever is inside it.

Nadia Khalil

What is that at the bottom, right in the middle? Is it a screw or a cap nut? Typically, if you start by unscrewing that part at the bottom, the rest should come off easily. Why did you only take off the shade instead of the entire thing?

Jordão Peixoto

Twist that small nipple

Reimar Feiler

I was struggling to understand how it was removed. I owned a similar light. It’s all one piece.

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