Struggling to make a non-square room work, any suggestions on fixing a misaligned door and uneven walls?
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 11, 2024
Maybe consider getting a pre-hung door?
That’s correct
I came across a helpful video on YouTube. Try pulling the door out and following the steps shown. It should fix the issue.
You might want to consider getting the foundation checked. While I usually go for quick fixes, this situation could indicate a bigger issue.
It seems like the weather stripping needs to be replaced. The door frame looks tight except for the last bit at the top and bottom.
Remove the hinges’ pins, shim the door for levelness, and make sure the hinges are slightly misaligned. Tap them into alignment and reinsert the pins. This should help level the door.
Seems like you’re in need of new weather stripping. Maybe you could shim the bottom hinge on the frame side.
Just needs a shim in the bottom right corner, the hedges won’t help you with this one!
Remove the trim carefully, shim in different spots to align the gaps, and secure with screws. Adding a long screw to each hinge can also be helpful.
Agreed. etting the hinged side square and plumb makes the rest of the door installation a breeze. It’s common for the threshold to be overlooked, but having it level is crucial to avoid mistakes.
The door jamb is not square. To fix it, you need to remove the trim and shims around the jamb. After placing the door in the jamb and closing it, position it in the center of the opening at the bottom, shim, and secure it at the bottom hinge. Consider using trim screws for adjustment. Then, have one person inside watching the gap around the door while another person outside moves the door. Adjust the top of the door and jamb left or right until the gap is even. Shim the top hinge area and attach it. Continue shimming to maintain an even gap around the door. Insulate the gap between the jamb and rough opening, then install the trim. Avoid using a level, as a level door in an unlevel building may not function properly. If the rough opening is tight, you might need to push the bottom of the door all the way to one side.
It is important to re-install the door frame properly.
You should return it to Lowe’s.
The door was incorrectly put in place. It’s best to remove it and replace it with the door frame installed correctly.
The sunlight shining through the top left and bottom left reveals that the door frame is misaligned. You could try removing the door and frame, then reinstalling it in a square position. Just my opinion.
I had the same issue.
Start by checking if the door is plumb and level. Is the hinge side plumb? If not, the door may swing open or shut on its own, even slightly. This is a crucial starting point for any door. It seems like the header may not be level; be sure to check that as well. Verify if the latch side is plumb.
You may need to remove most or all of the trim and essentially start over based on what you find regarding plumb and level. Door framing and installation rely on simple geometry, but the details are vital, so precision is key. You might have to remove or reinstall some shims. If the hinge is plumb, you might have to redo both the header and latch sides entirely.
Since this is an exterior door, addressing this issue may be challenging if it was prehung with brick molding on the outside, which means there might be nails through the brick molding securing the frame in place. This adds a layer of complexity when making corrections that I won’t delve into.
ood luck!
Consider trying a new weather strip and a new door frame.