Should we be worried about potential lead dust exposure from sanding painted hardwood floors in our 100-year-old home without proper precautions or testing?

Asked by Clifton Russell
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 26, 2024

So, we’ve got this old house and we noticed that the hardwood flooring has been painted brown and then black. Do you have any idea when this might have happened? The previous owner tried sanding it down in some spots, and we also tried sanding without thinking about the possibility of lead paint. Now we’re wondering if there could be lead dust in the air. Should we be worried about that? Not sure who to call or if we should get tested. Any thoughts on this?

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Roberta Pierce


Berta Prieto

You can check out their led paint test kits to get started. Also consider testing for asbestos since they used a black adhesive in the past (not certain if this applies if it’s painted), but it could give you peace of mind. I’m curious if scraping the paint would result in less dust overall.

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