Should the shiny silver foil side of my insulation face towards the inside or outside of my garage door to avoid seeing the writing on the foam board?
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 27, 2024
I’m in the process of insulating my garage door, and I’m wondering if the shiny side (silver foil) should be facing the inside or outside. I personally prefer it facing inside because I don’t want to see all the writing on the foam board. Thanks for your help!
Many videos demonstrating garage door insulation using foil insulation show the foil facing the door. This means that the writing would be visible when the garage door is closed. Check out this video for more details:
Reflect heat by placing foil on the inside.
I feel the same way…
This is the same garage door and insulation panels that I have. Thank you! This guy was definitely careless when he cut the panels in half to reach the hurricane straps. 🤦😆
Add foil to reflect the Florida heat. Then spray paint the inside to improve the appearance. Alternatively, consider using blackboard paint to leave notes.
I tried using foil indoors, and it’s working well…..
Hey , did you try using liquid nail to help it stay in place?
I just measured to make sure it fits snugly, nothing more.
Even if there’s no light shining on it, you can always cover it with paint or contact paper instead of the text.
I never considered how the light would bounce off the foil, I have four bright lights in my garage haha. You’ve convinced me to put the foil side facing out, peel off the thin plastic with the text on it, and keep the white foam exposed. Thanks for making me reconsider the whole project! 🤣
I was just thinking about radiant heat. Honestly, I might keep the foil in place to reflect and brighten up the entire garage with fewer bulbs. If it works for you, that’s awesome.
As I was unloading it earlier, the sunlight reflected off the foil side at just the right angle and temporarily blinded me haha I immediately pictured my entire garage resembling a UFO 🤣🤣
I might start by cutting two pieces and compare them to see which one I prefer. I’ll share the photos once it’s finished 
Reflective side facing the door
Foil on the door with the white side facing out. But to be honest, it may not have a significant impact unless the sun is directly on your door all day.
Mentioned that the sun shines on the garage door for a good three or four hours a day 🤦🤣
It really varies. Are you more concerned with blocking heat during the summer, or retaining heat during the winter? The foil deflects heat
I’m a certified expert in garage doors, and I just want to mention that adding extra weight that your springs weren’t calculated for could cause them to break prematurely. You might need to have your door re-evaluated for new springs.
Hey , check this out! We increased the weight and you know what? Our spring snapped, so now we have two springs supporting the weight. I wish I had known about this beforehand.
If anyone decides to call a company, rest assured they will likely suggest buying a new door. Instead, politely request to have the door weight re-calculated for new springs, not a whole new door, as I mentioned.
Shares some great wisdom here.
Has some really helpful advice. Thanks a lot.
I totally get what you’re saying, . Each one only weighs a little over 5 pounds, and I’m using 3.5 pieces.
This thing is a whopping 2 inches thick, total overkill haha. People could achieve the same results with a 1 inch thick Styrofoam that’s half the weight, and still get amazing results.
I’m seeing awesome progress already and I’m only halfway through!
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Springs are measured in inch pounds of force per turn (IPPT) – even a small increase in weight can lead to early wearing out. Not saying it will happen for sure, just wanted to provide you with the facts. Just keep in mind that if they do break down the line, make sure to contact the company to accurately measure your door’s new weight and get the right springs.
Oh man, that foam is ridiculously heavy!
Sure thing, . I’ll make sure to do that. Thanks!
Hey , I included those panels on mine as well and now it’s showing signs of wear after a year.
Hey , what seems to be the issue? Is it the foam or the springs?
Hey, I think the foam is still good, but I’m starting to worry that the motor might be struggling with the added weight. I installed it about a year ago, and I noticed a month ago that the door seems to be moving slower when it’s going up. And then it speeds up when it’s closing because I think the motor is having trouble keeping up with the weight.
The situation with a garage door can go either way!
As mentioned before, the additional weight can cause problems down the line. The ones I installed have the same weight, and after a year, I can already hear and see the garage door opener struggling and moving more slowly. I anticipate my spring will break soon.
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Seems really good. What method did you employ to keep it in place? 
Suggested cutting them a little bigger to make sure they fit snugly
When removing the print from foam board used for window insulation, start at the corner and gently pull off the plastic coating. It should be thin and easy to remove. Good luck!
Yep, that’s exactly what I did lol
Is killing it!
The foam should go on the inside, facing outwards.
Since there is no dead air space, it actually doesn’t make a difference which side faces out because you are flat up against the metal doors.
Believe it or not, there’s roughly a quarter inch of room for air to circulate.
I don’t think it’s a big deal since both sides can act as a vapor barrier. Plus, having the reflective side outside could lead to paint problems on metal doors because that reflected heat will bounce right back at them.