Should I wait to paint my kitchen cabinets until after the countertop is replaced to avoid potential damage?

Asked by Verónica Martínez
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 30, 2024

Hey, quick question – do you think it’s okay to start painting the kitchen cabinets now, even though we haven’t taken out the countertops yet? I’m worried that putting in the new counters might mess up the fresh paint job. What do you think?

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Genesis Mitchelle

You can go ahead with painting now. Just be prepared for some touch-ups later on.

Mateo Galindo

I would hold off. There’s a chance of accidentally causing damage during the removal.

Zainab Bjørgum

Before you start painting, consider covering the counter with plastic or cardboard to protect it.

Francisco Javier Menéndez

It really depends on the skills of your counter guys!

Francisco Javier Menéndez

Best of luck with your painting project, na Howell! I’m sure it will turn out great.

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