Should I tile the wall first or hang the shelves and cut the tile around them when building a bar with ceramic tile and floating shelves?
6 months ago
Last Updated: August 30, 2024
I’m thinking about putting up a bar with ceramic tile on the wall and some floating shelves. Should I start by tiling the wall first or hang the shelves and work the tile around them?
Drilling into tile can be tricky if you don’t have the proper drill bits. It’s important to be careful because there’s not much room for error.
But, the shelves might look nicer if they’re mounted over the tile. You could use this idea as inspiration and consider installing a hanging mechanism before tiling, then tile around it to create the illusion that the shelves are resting on the tile.
I’ve constructed and set up many wooden countertops. It’s a bit of a trade-off deciding which one to do first. If you install the wood first, you’ll end up tiling around it, which can be messy. On the other hand, if you tile first, it has to be perfectly laid out for the final height you want. As for floating shelves, I’d suggest installing the shelf, marking the finish surface on the wall, then removing the shelf to install the tile with a 1/8″ gap around it. After grouting and sealing the tile, you can reinstall the shelf.
Just to clarify, the first tile is the correct one.